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Frederick Weiss & Associates is proud to offer you trained videographers licensed by the American Guild of Court Videographers, bearing the CCVS (Certified Court Video Specialist) designation.

Our Videographers recognize the requirements of Rule 30 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures and understand that there are certain things which cannot be included in video evidence that will be introduced into a trial. Our professional videographers are trained in all aspects of visual evidence, including the preparation of the evidence so that it cannot be impeached, and in the proper methods of presenting the evidence in the courtroom.

One of the most asked questions we receive is "How does your certification as a "Certified Court Videographer" (CCV) differ from the National Court Reporter's Associations' certification (CLVS)?" A good and valid question. We cannot and will not speak for the NCRA, however, we can speak as to the position of our organization. Here are the answers:

The tenets of the AGCV apply to the videographers at Frederick Weiss & Associates. Click here!

Our videographers are available to do one-camera or two-camera shoots (including the deposing attorney on a split screen). We are available for assignments in all of Europe and Asia.

For price quotations or inquiries, please inquire at videographers@eureporter.com or call us directly at (011) 352-2674-0843, or fax (011)352-2674-0844, or click here and fill in the details of your needs now!