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Court Reporting

Frederick Weiss & Associates believes that modern court reporters are more than just the keeper of the record. Gone are the days when court reporters were merely taking down the spoken word. Today's court reporters are expected to be much more.

Keeping up with technology in a fast changing profession allows Frederick Weiss and Associates to offer services that range from E-Transcripts, exhibits on CD, and live realtime hookups to videotaped depositions.

Today's client increasingly desires condensed transcripts, electronic transcripts, realtime and rough ASCII's, and uncertified end-of-day rough draft transcripts. Such services are particularly useful in long and complex litigation cases.

Court reporting is merging with alternative media in the case of videotaped depositions, videoconferencing and the requirement to provide exhibits and videos on DVD.

Rather than just an afterthought, court reporters have become an integral part of the trial and discovery process. The benefits to attorneys are obvious: no more rifling through hundreds or thousands of pages of transcripts and exhibits. Instead of searching through lengthy documents, they can electronically search and pull out relevant sections to review. With the click of a mouse, they can view an exhibit that corresponds with a particular piece of transcript. And no more waiting - now testimony can be reviewed the same day or even just moments after it was given.

There is still a demand for the traditional certified court transcript, as almost all state and federal courts require them for official court proceedings. But many attorneys are not only requesting these high-tech services, but requiring them of their court reporters. Frederick Weiss and Associates can perform at all levels of technological expertise, to fit your individual needs.

Offering all the latest application of new technology, Frederick Weiss is available to service your deposition, discovery and investigative needs in all of Europe. Based in Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Great Britain, our associates are ready to cover your next deposition, hearing or investigation.

Offering competitive pricing, we are ready to bid on your next group of depositions or matters requiring court reporters in Europe. Please take a moment to fill out the attached request form, or call us at your convenience, or inquire at reporters@eureporter.com