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Tenets of the AGCV


A society of court videographers joined together for the purpose of developing skills, recognizing one's accomplishments, acknowledging the qualifications of a properly trained video professional and the sharing of information for the advancement of the profession.


In this time of the popularity of the home video camcorder, there are those that would represent themselves as qualified to perform the duties of video taping legal depositions and the evidence to be used in a trial without possessing the skills necessary to complete the work in a professional manner.


By setting requirements of performance, overseeing those in the profession and verifying the quality of their completed work, the American Guild of Court Videographers certifies its members as "members in good standing" and upon meeting the certification criteria, awards them with the designation of "CCVS" (Certified Court Video Specialist), thereby, assisting the legal profession in their selection of qualified court videographers.


Some firms and videographers who are presently involved in legal video taping have set the standards to be used throughout the industry. These standards which have been accepted by the American Guild of Court Videographers include a "Code of Ethics", an accepted "Protocol" and generally overseeing the activities of its members in this relatively new and exciting profession.
